
Sunday, February 17, 2013

An Unearthly Paradox

      For over 70 years throughout the world and up to the present time there have been literally thousands upon thousands of reports of UFO activity, many of which include alien abductions. Even granting that the majority have been from mischief makers or hoaxers, there still remain thousands of cases reported by the public in addition to many unimpeachable sources including astronauts, pilots, air traffic controllers, the military, and police forces.
Throughout this time the reaction from official sources has been to denigrate, ridicule, scorn and deride such reports. This even extends to casting doubt on the sobriety and even the sanity of those involved. Indeed, the career prospects of many who dared to speak out have been adversely affected. With the recent exponential growth in a variety of communication options, this maligning and muzzling of witnesses has become more difficult to enforce. The amount of evidence is overwhelming. Although non believers referring to “little green men” etc is possibly becoming a less routine response, understandably there remains some reluctance to “go public” with genuine sighting reports and run the risk of being humiliated.
Nevertheless, there are many who are willing to go on the record. YouTube has a large number of these, some more credible than others.  Among the most credible of those with no doubt whatsoever, is astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell who was the sixth person to walk on the moon;
as was his fellow astronaut, the late Gordon Cooper.

Also Paul Hellyer, ex Canadian Defence Minister, has frequently spoken publically on the subject  

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In the case of alleged abductions, many of those affected suffer memory loss and psychological after-effects. In some cases their experiences can be recalled during regressive hypnotherapy sessions. However to publicize this tends to reinforce the outpourings of the “I told you so” experts who claim this as verification of mental instability. Strangely however the reports from abductees show a remarkable agreement in describing their captors and the details of their ordeal. Many claim to have been abducted on numerous occasions.  In spite of the commonality in their accounts there still remain those who won’t be convinced, whatever the evidence. 
However there is one event which to me provides the nearest thing to “smoking gun” evidence that exists. It concerns a school in Zimbabwe where over 60 school children witnessed a UFO which landed on the school grounds during recess and from which emerged two entities who approached and engaged the children.
Subsequently many of them were interviewed by Dr John Mack, a Pulitzer Prize winner and world renowned Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard University, who was investigating the alien encounter phenomenon. He is probably the most esteemed academic to have studied the subject.
The school is a good example of a post colonial multiracial establishment and the YouTube video showing some of the interviews reveals that they are intelligent and remarkably articulate in their responses to difficult questions. After viewing this can anyone doubt their accounts? Moreover they are very much in line with other similar reports world-wide. Watch this and see;   

So there we have it. Even when all the chaff has been removed from the wheat, there still remains a huge body of irrefutable evidence to consider. Additionally, there are those who despite having experienced extra terrestrial phenomena, feel outside their comfort zone to reveal their stories. This is no doubt to preserve their ongoing social acceptability.   
The very defensive attitude exhibited by US politician Dennis Kucinich in this recent YouTube video is typical of the discomfort expressed by public figures when questioned;

Even with the evidence in plain sight of increasingly mathematically complex crop circles, there are still those who prefer to believe that these are the work of a couple of drunken farm hands armed with a stake, a ball of string and planks tied to their feet!  In addition to these yeomen of the sod there has been a great deal of thought and effort put into crop circle construction by artistically minded humans. These can result in fairly complex patterns which are aimed at debunking all and any other explanations.
Example 1 shown below from 2001 consists of 409 circles. In 2012 a challenge was issued to the debunkers to recreate this design. So far there have been no takers. It would suitably stretch the imagination of those who might accept the challenge, knowing that they have to leave no signs of their presence, lay the wheat in the customary weaved, layered configuration and have just dusk to dawn to complete the work! The extraordinary Example 2 raises the bar considerably. Taken by Lucy Pringle it shows what appears to be an alien head and a disc in binary code which apparently contains an enigmatic message which has been decoded (see below). Planks and string just don’t cut it anymore!
The latest development in this saga has been the emergence of “debunking debunkers”. 
The following video is very compelling;

In summary it is quite extraordinary that in the face of so much evidence, desperate efforts to deride and denigrate the phenomenon continue unabated. 
Example 1

Example 2

Released decode of message contained within circle of Example 2.
 Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises. Much pain but still time. There is good out there. We oppose deception. Conduit closing”.
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In complete contrast to the foregoing, all organised religions are based exclusively on faith with no supporting evidence other than that provided in the relevent “Holy Book” of each. Since I am more familiar with the Judeo/Christian Bible, I will confine myself to its content. The history of this venerable document stretches back nearly 2000 years since when it has been translated and edited multiple times from its original Aramaic or Hebrew into Greek, Latin and ultimately English. Far from representing a consensus of its content, each edition inevitably reflected at least an element of the individual agenda of each editor. By the Tudor era there were many different and opposing interpretations. It was a shambles.   

The Garden of Eden; from history to mythology

Finally in 1604 under the auspices of King James 1 and despite the objections of many, a concerted attempt was made to produce an “Authorised Bible” which was designed to represent the best of the disparate other versions. As this task involved no fewer than 47 scholars, this led to still more differences in individual interpretation and content. Furthermore the Apocrypha was arbitrarily omitted from the Protestant version as were several other books. Nevertheless despite its chequered background and doubtful provenance, the outcome is still considered by the faithful as being God’s word.

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       In conclusion, here we have a strange dichotomy. On the one hand in the UFO case there is a wealth of supporting evidence but considerable resistance to embracing it. Regardless of personal conviction it is considered better to reject than to run the risk of career limitation or social (-no pun intended!) alienization. On the other hand we have an ancient religious book which has been, and still is accepted without any supporting evidence or proof at all. Over the past centuries belief has been obligatory under pain of torture or death and even nowadays it is still more socially acceptable to believe -or as I suspect in many cases, to feign belief. The latter is sometimes referred to as Pascal’s Wager or “playing it safe”.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Deliver us from Evil!

          In view of the somewhat serious tone of my previous few efforts, I considered that it was time for a lighter topic. However, recently I had occasion to view a remarkable TV documentary entitled “Deliver Us From Evil”.
This is now available on YouTube in a series of bite-sized 4-6 minute episodes. I would strongly recommend that all who visit here should take the opportunity to view it in total to fully appreciate how unspeakably evil is its content. I was so incensed I felt bound to respond immediately.
The below address locates Episode One. From here it is simple to navigate onwards.

       This chronicles the experiences of several families with small children, all of whom become sexual prey of a Catholic priest, Father Oliver O’Grady. The distress of the parents when they learn of his abuses can be imagined. Their family life was effectively destroyed.
       In one of the examples, a 40 year old woman victim who remains mired in Catholic dogma insists that when she is married it must be in church. Sadly this is unlikely since her father who must be present to give her away refuses to ever enter a church again because of what happened. The mother became so distressed that she had to give up work whilst her husband has had to do likewise to support her. In another and quite astonishing example, O'Grady was actually successful in establishing a sexual relationship with a mother as a means to getting access to  her small son! Despite all this, the reaction of church officials after being informed of these abominations was disbelief denial, deception and lies. Clearly this was nothing new to them and one with which they had become familiar over the years 

        Throughout the entire series the only church representative with genuine concern and integrity is the commendable Father Tom Doyle who, in addition to his clerical affairs, is a lawyer and historian. His actions over the years to bring all this abuse into the open he says has resulted in him being fired from two major church positions.
          To give an idea of how high in the church this extended, in 1978 the church appointed someone responsible for making sure that priests did not abuse children. This appointee was none other than Joseph Ratzinger the current Pope! Not only was he very unsuccessful in this but he was actually accused of covering up sexual abuse in the US, but at the Vatican’s request the then President George W. Bush granted him immunity from prosecution.
          At the conclusion of the documentary, two of the victims, together with the parents of one victim accompany Tom Doyle to Rome. Here they attempt to deliver a letter to the Vatican but are refused admission. They hand over the letter to the guards. No reply or acknowledgement has ever been received.   
          As for the disgraced Father O'Grady. It was later estimated that he had hundreds of victims. Ultimately he would serve seven of a fourteen year prison sentence, after which he was removed to Ireland. Throughout, he seems remarkably sanguine and  quite complacent without a trace of remorse.
        The film was made in 2006. In March 2011 Oliver O’Grady was caught in Dublin Airport in possession of thousands of pornographic images of children from the ages of 3 to teenagers  

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          This appalling debacle seems to have stemmed directly from the Church’s policy of celibacy by priests. This was not as a result of any New Testament directive. In fact the subject was rarely raised until the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. In fact, many Popes were married and continued to be so for a considerable time thereafter. According to several sources, including the film, the main purpose of celibacy was to prevent the estate of deceased priests being handed to their eldest son and instead transferred directly to the avaricious Church coffers. In fact it seems that celibacy was not considered in any way mandatory until the eleventh century. 
        In my view this policy inevitably led to the priesthood being comprised from three main sources or categories:

1. Heterosexual
Very few likely. What normal healthy man would willingly give up normal, highly desirable relations with a woman together with the concomitant foregoing of family life. This would be quite unnatural. Why would they reject a great gift from God?

2. Asexual.
Another small number –many of whom could be experiencing emotional dysfunction or other health problems.

3. Homosexual or paedophilic
Very appealing to those with these proclivities: either between themselves or unfortunately involving children of their congregation. Their workplace environment combines maximum availability with frequent opportunity.
          Other than group 2, no one is immune from sexual instincts and associated hormonal agitation. Nature is no respecter of religious rank or denomination No one is impervious to its powerful urges. Periodically, some relief process is unavoidable and will occur by one means or another; either by sexual intercourse, masturbation or if all else fails, nocturnal emissions. It will occur. How the formulators of doctrinal protocol could ignore or turn a blind eye to this fundamental reality of all animals (-including bishops and Cardinals!), beggars the mind.  
The disastrous results of this thinking (-or more likely lack of it) are manifested in the film. The sole function of these self-styled representatives of God is to provide pastoral support and spiritual guidance to their congregation. It is impossible to conceive of such a massive betrayal of trust. Their vile and despicable acts extend even to babies!. I am completely unable comprehend how they can continue to live with themselves.

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          In addition to the above, historically the Catholic Church has been responsible for bloodletting and massacres on a grand scale. From the Crusades, the Conquistadores, the Inquisitions, burnings at the stake, beheadings and torturings during Britain’s Tudor period and more recently in Rwanda, erstwhile Yugoslavia and elsewhere. Yet despite all this, the Church and its diverse activities continue. The effects of early indoctrination amounting in effect to brainwashing are difficult to overcome particularly in underdeveloped countries. Thankfully at long last as people become better educated, more and more will at last see it for what it is.