
Friday, August 31, 2012

Survival of the Richest!

           The US convention season is with us again and once again I shake my head at its format. It seems that in order to attract viewership it is necessary to dumb everything down to the level of extreme pizzazz and show biz superficiality. As is everything else in America, money -lots of it, seems to be the main criteria, without which there is no chance of success. The acquisition of this commodity –lots of it is, under the present system the prime requirement for aspiring Presidents. Both major parties receive major support from large corporations and in so doing surrender themselves up to their mercies. It even seems acceptable for corporate backers to sponsor both sides to hedge their bets. The expression “Bulging Coffers” has been used to define the party’s financial situation. Why should this be such a pivotal factor? On an individual level, how does Mitt Romney’s personal acquisition of wealth (-greed?) inspire a nation or indeed be considered to be an attribute of good leadership? On the contrary, it could be argued that those who have spent their lives compiling fortunes are more likely to be self serving and more interested in “turning a buck” than on providing good governance. Moreover, such “successful” individuals might find it difficult empathize with those less fortunate. Looking back into recent global history it seems that the most inspiring leaders have by comparison been devoid of wealth or any inclination or the wherewithal to acquire it. Gandhi, Mandela and Aung San Suu Kyi prevailed but only after surviving adversity and perilous circumstances.
            The current Republic convention, occurring during storm “Isaac” has solicited minimal acknowledgement of this catastrophe (-to my ears anyway). Not to be outdone, President Obama continues to conduct electoral business in Virginia. As of writing, neither contestant has yet made a significant effort to tour the afflicted areas, many of which are home to the less privileged demographic, to offer personal sympathy and support. Some leadership!.
            TV news reports have sandwiched harrowing accounts from distraught victims in the storm centre between updates from the Convention Hall, the latter filled with sleek, well-nourished, grinning, self-congratulatory delegates, high-fiving, bouncing up and down like clapping jack-in-the-boxes at each pithy one-liner emanating from the podium. I find the stark contrast between these extremes most disturbing..
           And then, just when it seemed that things would conclude in their predictable fashion, old Clint came moseying down the aisle -and with a rambling, barely-coherent unscripted presentation with less than pithy one-liners, virtually high jacked the proceedings. Someone attempted to excuse him on the grounds that he is merely a fiscal and not a full blooded social conservative –duh! Could he also possibly be -dare I say  it –an Atheist?
            Next we have the Democratic Convention to look forward to with no doubt much of the same fare. How or for what reason did it all evolve into to this ridiculous “Dog and Pony” show? With apologies to the Creationists I don’t think that even Darwin could have possibly predicted it.  

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